International Women’s weekend in De Balie
With Roxane Gay and Ida Tin
In the weekend of International Women’s Day (7 March – 8 March), De Balie invites leading thinkers, creators, and entrepreneurs to reflect on contemporary feminism. In a world where radical right-wing politicians and tech bros seem to be joining forces, what challenges do women face?
On saturday March 8 we welcome author and cultural critic Roxane Gay (Bad Feminist, Hunger) and entrepeneur Ida Tin (menstrual health app Clue) in De Balie to discuss modern day feminism, the female body, popular culture and technology.
We end International Women’s Day in De Balie Café with dj Valentijn de Hingh playing from 22.00 till 00.30. Free entrance. Special Women’s Day Cocktails will be served!
Bijna elke week wordt er een vrouw vermoord door haar (ex-)partner. Toch hebben we het er nauwelijks over. Hoe kunnen we het taboe rond femicide doorbreken?

With Ida Tin (co-founder of menstrual health app Clue), we’ll explore the intersection of technology and the female body. How does the tech industry increasingly shape our most personal experiences?

Few writers have redefined the boundaries of modern feminist discourse as Roxane Gay. Together with the auteur of internationally acclaimed books as Bad Feminist and Hunger we dissect the intersection of feminism, power and literature.