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Farhad Foroutanian

In deze expositie toont Farhad Foroutanian twee iconische schilderijen uit zijn collectie die hij de afgelopen jaren in Iran heeft gemaakt.

In deze expositie toont Farhad Foroutanian twee iconische schilderijen uit zijn collectie die hij de afgelopen jaren in Iran heeft gemaakt. De collectie heet Gevluchte kunstwerken.

Mens is alleen een passagier in deze wereld. Er blijft niets van ons over behalve een goede routekaart voor de volgende passagier.


Tijdens de opening van de expositie toont Foroutanian een filmpje dat hij in 2016 heeft gemaakt. Het schetst de landing van de mens in een hopeloze situatie en zijn zoektocht naar een manier om te overleven. Verder wordt er tijdens de opening een Fara Tekan-dansvoorstelling getiteld ‘Essense of Light’ (Dancer in Dark) van Sara Behrad vertoond.

Farhad Foroutanian

Born 20-09-1957  in Tehran, Iran.

Farhad Foroutanian studied visual arts in the Academy of fine arts in Tehran (1975- 1978). He is also graduated from the Tehran Theater Academy (1981).

Farhad started his professional carrier as an actor in 1980 and as visual artist in 1977. In Iran he played in many stage as well as Tele theaters, such as: Death of Salesman, Galileo, Santa Crus, In Court of Justice, Painting on the Wood, etcetera.

He immigrated to the Netherlands in 1986 and worked for different art organization and publisher until 1994. In that year he went to Italy for his work with an Italian publishing office in Roma.

He founded his first theater group (ACT) in 1988 in Rotterdam which was changed to InterAct Theater Company in 2002. He realized many different plays and training programs in different countries such as: Stairway to heaven, Party time, Getroffen, Odor, Niemandsland, Babel, etcetera.

He came back in the Netherlands in 2000 to work for Rotterdams Dagblad as political cartoonist. In mean time he cooperated in an interactive theater project for the Rotterdam Cultural Capital of Europe in 2001. In 2014 he went back to Iran to found ‘Live theater school’, together with his wife Sara Behrad. In 2019 they left Iran and restart a new life in the Netherlands.

As a cartoonist and illustrator, he work(ed) for many different Dutch as well as other European publishers, such as Rotterdams Dagblad, Vrij Nederland, Vice versa, Algemeen Dagblad, IDFA, de Helling, Vluchtelingenwerk magazine, ICT, Stern (Gr), Nebespalter (sw), la Voce (It), and many more.

His visual works have been exhibited in more than 70 solo and group shows around the globe. He received different awards such as Best Painter in North-Italy 1997, Best Editorial Cartoon from BE-NE International in 2007 and Pers en Prent Netherlands in 2011.

Farhad Foroutanian