1 september – 6 oktober 2021
Ron MARAVAL is my artist name. I am born in Châteauroux (36), France, in 1968, but as soon as I was two years old, I went to Africa and spent my entire youth overthere in Cameroon and Gabon until I reach majority. I have been strongly influenced by my African years and immersed myself in the exuberance of flora and fauna, from tiny to gigantic, in minimalism and baroque. Upon graduating from high school, I came back to France in 1986 and enrolled at Nice fashion design school – ESMOD- where, after three years of studying in the fields of women’s ready-to-wear and haute couture, I became a stylist. I attended Concordia College in Portland, Oregon from 1992-1993 – Business Administration Program. When I returned to France, I started painting, drawing, sculpture. At the same time, me, Véronique PIVRON, from my real name, as a designer, I joined an architectural firm where the use of volumes and textures can be expressed at the scale of public and private buildings. My meeting with Jean GUILHEM, architect and painter, will be decisive in my carrer as an artist. He turned me towards sculpture. My first exhibition is organized in 1995 at Atelier Artès Gallery in Cannes. Others will follow over the years, at Atelier Artès Gallery again, but also at L’Espace Miramar in 1999, and in some other public spaces in Cannes. I ended up working as a designer at GUILHEM & GUILHEM Art Studio Associates in 2008. I approached etching and linocut during various training stages in 2008-2009 and later on lithography in 2013. I studied at the Municipal School of Fine Arts Ceramics – Young designers section – in Vallauris during one year in 2009-2010. My work on Australian Water Mites ceramic shapes was particularly noticed during a group exhibition held in Vallauris in 2010 at Espace Grandjean. I participated in a few other group exhibitions in Vallauris, espacially at the Vallauris Magnelli Museum in 2010-2011 and 2014. I set up my workshop in Aix-en-Provence by the end of 2011 – N°11 Avenue Jean MOULIN 13100 Aix-en-Provence.