Andrea Fraser – Men on the Line

50 minuten

This programme will be in English 

Men on the Line: Men committed to Feminism KPFK, 1972 is a performance developed by Andrea Fraser from a 1972 live radio broadcast of a dialogue between several men discussing the importance of feminist struggles to men, how they respond or fail to respond to their sisters, their anxieties, and their struggles. Fraser transcribed and edited the broadcast and performs as all four participants, re-enacting in her own performance their struggle to experience empathy across the boundaries of gender identity. The Amsterdam presentation of Men on the Line is coproduced by Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory, Utrecht and If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution, and will be the first performance of the piece in the Netherlands. Andrea Fraser is a Los-Angeles based artist and a professor New Genres at the department of art at UCLA. Her work is centred around performance and institutional critique, often incorporating her personal encounters with art as a research method. She was a founding member of the feminist performance group The V-Girls (1986-1996), artist initiative Parasite (1997-1998) and the cooperative art gallery Orchard (2005-2008). The Museum Ludwig Köln presented a retrospective of her work in 2013 in conjunction with her receipt of the Wolfgang Hahn Prize.

About the Festival Performance Days
If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution presents Performance Days, a seven-day festival dedicated to performance. The programme comprises all of If I Can't Dance productions that have been in development for the past two years as part of Edition V. Appropriation and Dedication (2013-2014), alongside contributions by other artists and speakers.
For further information visit the website.  

About Casco
Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory is a Utrecht based public institution for artistic research and experiments, that are cross-disciplinary, open to collaboration, and process-driven.

In Men on The Line: Men committed to Feminism KPFK, 1972 gaat Andrea Fraser te werk met een live radio-uitzending uit 1972 waarin vier mannen met elkaar spreken over het belang van de feministische strijd voor mannen; over hoe ze reageren of falen om te reageren op de problematiek en conflicten waar hun 'zusters' mee geconfronteerd worden. Fraser transcribeerde en bewerkte deze uitzending tot een performance, waarbij ze zelf de vier gespreksdeelnemers belichaamt. In haar performance klinkt het begrip door dat de mannen hebben voor de feministische zaak, maar ook hun moeite om empathie te ervaren voorbij de grenzen van hun eigen gender identiteit. De Nederlandse première van Men on the Line wordt gecoproduceerd door Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory en If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution. Andrea Fraser woont en werkt in Los Angeles, waar ze professor Nieuwe Genres is bij de kunstafdeling van UCLA. Haar werk bestaat voornamelijk uit performance en institutionele kritiek, waarbij ze regelmatig haar persoonlijke ervaringen met kunst inzet als een methode voor onderzoek. Ze is medeoprichter van de feministische performance groep The V-Girls (1986-1996), kunstenaarsinitiatief Parasite (1997-1998) en de coöperatieve kunstgalerij Orchard (2005-2008). In 2013 presenteerde Museum Ludwig Keulen een retrospectieve van haar werk in combinatie met haar ontvangst van de Wolfgang Hahn prijs.

Photo Andrea Fraser ©Museum Ludwig, Rheinisches Bildarchiv Köln / Britta Schlier. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Nagel Draxler.