Bonnie Honig is one of the world’s foremost democratic theorists. Arnon Grunberg will engage in conversation with Honig about, among other topics, Hannah Arendt, shock politics, and democracy in disrepair.
Bonnie Honig embodies the public intellectual like few others. With her funny and fine-edged essays analyzing Trump’s shock politics, the significance of Stranger Things’ popularity, and feminist resources for defending democracy. At the same time, she is one of the world’s foremost democratic theorists, combining sources as diverse as Nietzsche, Arendt, Rousseau, Lars von Trier, 12 Angry Men, Antigone and gothic romance novels in her writings on democracy.
One of the major themes of her work is how contestation, rather than consensus, should be central in a democracy. She is a founding thinker of the agonistic democratic movement, driving its inspiration from the ancient Greek culture’s emphasis on the agon, for struggle. In recent work she explores how ‘public things’, like education, national parks and healthcare, are a precondition for democracy – but are often under pressure from privatization and neoliberalism.
Tonight, Honig enters into conversation with Arnon Grunberg. They will talk about public things, emergency and shock politics, her feminist interpretations of Hannah Arendt and democracy in disrepair. Bastiaan Rijpkema, who wrote an introduction to the first Dutch translation of one of Honig’s works: Publieke dingen, will introduce the evening.
The day after the event, Honig will receive an honorary doctorate from Leiden University, nominated by Leiden Law School. Bonnie Honig in conversation with Arnon Grunberg at De Balie also marks of the publication of the first Dutch translation of Honigs work: Publieke dingen.
In wiens belang is buitenlandse adoptie? Om daar antwoord op te krijgen deed Maarten Dallinga samen met adoptiemoeder Annemieke Figee ruim een jaar lang onderzoek voor de verhalende podcast De Optie Adoptie. Programmamaker Katarina Schul gaat met Maarten Dallinga in gesprek.
Een middag met De Warme Winkel en De Gids
Ter voorbereiding op hun voorstelling Gundhi onderzoekt theatergroep De Warme Winkel het concept pacifisme. Ze reageren op De Gids, dat een themanummer over pacifisme presenteert.
Yoeri Albrecht gaat in gesprek met schrijver en journalist Caspar Janssen aan de hand van zijn prijswinnende boek Aard van het beestje. Hierin onthult Janssen de verborgen schoonheid van alledaagse natuur en laat hij zien hoe kleine observaties grote inzichten kunnen bieden.