Global Uprisings will bring together activists, journalists and scholars from the front-lines of the popularuprisings unfolding around the world
– 15, 16 en 17 november @DeBalie Amsterdam
The opening plenary, and the closing sessions of day 2 and 3 are already sold out. No worries… Due to the size of the room, the closing sessions are the only events that need tickets. These sessions will be only a small part of this enormous event. They will be live streamed in De Balie and in other spaces in Amsterdam. All daytime sessions on Saturday (10.00-18.00) and Sunday (11.00-16.00) are still open to the public without reservations and there will be events ongoing at social centers and free spaces across the city center.
List of speakers / updated
Full program
About Global Uprisings
Over the past two and half years, streets and squares across the world have become the site of massive demonstrations, strikes, occupations, riots, rebellions and revolutions. From the Arab Spring to the movement of the squares in Southern Europe, and from there to the global Occupy movement and the current uprisings in Turkey and Brazil, people everywhere have been rising up against the power of governments, corporations and repressive regimes, representing a global legitimation crisis that affects authoritarian regimes and liberal democracies alike.
In november we will have the historic opportunity to bring together some 50 people from all over the world who have been directly involved in these various struggles. From November 15-17, the Global Uprisings conference will be a unique weekend of presentations, discussions and film screenings in Amsterdam, gathering a wide array of activists, journalists, filmmakers and scholars who have participated in and reported from the front-lines of the popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Palestine, Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Chile, the UK, the US, Canada, Turkey and Brazil.
The conference will open on Friday night with a keynote speech by the acclaimed British journalist Paul Mason, author of Why it’s Still Kicking off Everywhere. On Saturday and Sunday, we will have multiple discussion sessions with grassroots organizers about where today’s movements have come from and where they are headed; how people are organizing in the areas worst hit by the euro crisis; what happened to the revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East; how the Occupy Wall Street movement was organized; why Canadian and Chilean students decided to take to the streets; what animated the most recent popular uprisings in Turkey and Brazil, and much more. In these discussions, we will address some of the most pertinent questions facing the movements today, including the lessons to be drawn from recent experiments with general assemblies and direct democracy; the use of independent and social media; the role of women in the revolutions; how to organize a general strike from below; and how to continue the fight for housing rights, free education and autonomy in the wake of some of the biggest mobilizations to date.
On Saturday night, there will be another large plenary session featuring renowned scholars David Graeber and George Caffentzis. In the closing plenary, Paul Mattick Jr. will discuss the ongoing crisis of capitalism and what it might mean for global social movements. Throughout the conference, a number of documentary films will be screened and plenty of opportunities will be provided to talk to participants and exchange ideas, lessons and experiences. In addition, various unofficial events will be organized in free spaces and social centers in the city center, including a party at the Vrankrijk squat on Saturday night.
On Saturday the conference will host six daytime panels with activists from around the world. We start the day at 10.00 with an opening session on the origins of the uprisings and look at where these uprisings are today with speakers from Tunisia, Egypt, Brazil, Turkey and a discussant from Greece. Throughout the rest of the day there will be two-three simultaneous sessions that will explore the housing crisis in the US and Spain, the role of Feminism and LGBTQ struggles within the uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia and the US, the euro crisis as seen from Greece, Spain and Portugal, the current experiments with new forms of self-organization and assembly politics emerging in the wake of the crisis in Slovenia, Turkey, Spain, the US, and the possibilities for networking resistance across the Mediterranean with speakers from Egypt, Palestine, Tunisia and Turkey. Plus film screenings of short films made by filmmakers and video activists with films about the uprisings in Canada, Greece, Egypt, Spain, Turkey, the US and more.
The closing plenary will start at 20.00 and will feature social theorists George Caffentzis and David Graeber.
The Global Uprisings Conference is organized by Brandon Jourdan (award-winning independent filmmaker) and Marianne Maeckelbergh (anthropologist at Leiden University in the Netherlands) of the Global Uprisings documentary film project, Stichting Democratie & Media and De Balie.
Wereldwijde protestbewegingen komen voor het eerst samen tijdens historische bijeenkomst in De Balie
De verhalen, ideeën en toekomst van opstanden over de hele wereld
Van de Arabische Lente tot de opstanden op de pleinen van Zuid-Europa, van Occupy tot de huidige protesten in Turkije en Brazilië: de afgelopen tweeënenhalf jaar bevecht het volk de macht van regeringen en onderdrukkende regimes met grootscheepse acties. Tijdens de driedaagse conferentie Global Uprisings komen de initiatiefnemers, organisatoren en verslaggevers van deze protesten voor het eerst in de geschiedenis samen op één plek om ervaringen en ideeën te delen over deze massale en globale volksopstanden. Een historisch weekend in De Balie met discussies, gesprekken en films.
Global Uprisings
De laatste tweeëneenhalf jaar zijn over de hele wereld steden, dorpen en straten het toneel geworden van massale protesten, stakingen, bezettingen en revoluties. Deze explosie van opstanden staat voor een globale legitimatiecrisis, zowel in dictatoriale regimes als democratieën.
Tijdens Global Uprisings verwelkomen we in De Balie initiatiefnemers, journalisten, filmmakers en wetenschappers van de frontlinies van deze nog immer aanhoudende strijd in Brazilië, Canada, Chili, Egypte, Griekenland, Italië, Palestina, Portugal, Slovenië, Spanje, Tunesië, Turkije, het VK en de VS.
We worden bijgepraat over nieuwe politieke structuren die ontwikkeld zijn door deze bewegingen zoals algemene vergaderingen en nieuwe communicatiemodellen. Maar we discussiëren ook over het gebruik en het effect van mainstream media en sociale media, hoe bezettingen worden georganiseerd, hoe je kunt vechten voor woonrechten of vrij toegankelijk onderwijs etc.
De conferentie wordt op vrijdag 15 november afgetrapt met de keynote speech van Paul Mason, auteur van het boek Why it’s Still Kicking off Everywhere. Zaterdag 16 en zondag 17 november zijn er meerdere sessies met initiatiefnemers en organisatoren van de protestbewegingen, zoals Beka Economoupolis (organisator van Occupy Wall Street), Antonis Vradis (onderdeel van het Occupied London Collective) en Jerome Roos (schrijver, activist en filmmaker) . Op zaterdagavond is er een grote bijeenkomst met wetenschappers die de opkomst, verloop en gevolgen van de opstanden nauwlettend hebben gevolgd, waaronder George Caffentzis en David Graeber.
Global Uprisings wordt georganiseerd door Brandon Jourdan (onafhankelijk filmmaker), Marianne Maeckelbergh (antropoloog Leiden Universiteit en van The Global Uprisings Documentary Film Project, Stichting Democratie & Media en De Balie.