Sevdaliza x Gunifort Uwambaga: Bending Genres


programme editor
made possible by
Andrew Makkinga
Two bright examples of the new generation entrepreneurs and creatives from The Netherlands: Sevdaliza and Gunifort Uwambaga. These two thought-provoking artists meet on stage for their conversation about art and business blends together in their worlds. How can you really make a change as an artist? Can you remain an independent artist at the moment you become successful?

Dutch-Iranian and internationally successful multidisciplinary artist Sevdaliza is a master in “bending genres”, with her music that draws on genres including electronic, punk, triphop, grime and the avant-garde. Bookstore-owner and publisher Gunifort Uwambaga focuses on visually driven publications.

This programme is rescheduled from October. If you have purchased ticket(s) for the old date, your ticket(s) remain valid. You are informed per email.


Sevdaliza (Teheran, Iran) is an autodidactic singer, songwriter, director and composer. Her creations contrast husky vocals with cutting strings and bass lines setting an-enigmatic mood. Born in Iranand residing in the Netherlands, Sevdalizahas made quite the impression with her consistent release of audiovisual experiences. Sevdaliza’s melancholic visceral voice floats over beds of thumping triphop dubs, married with classical harmonies. Rhythmic tensions build slowly into chaotic climaxes. In 2020, Sevdaliza will continue her powerful career with a collection of releases that will leave a great impact in youth culture and far beyond.

Gunifort Uwambaga is a co-owner of MENDO, a publishing company and bookstore, based in Amsterdam, that focuses on visually driven publications. Born in Rwanda, Gunifort came to the Netherlands at the age of 8. When he was 18 he met Mendo co-owner and co-founder Roy Rietstap and started working at MENDO. Even though the aim wasn’t to stay at MENDO – Gunifort worked as a private banker trainee – he never left. 


SevdalizaAutodidactic singer, songwriter, director and composer
Gunifort UwambagaCo-owner of MENDO and publisher

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