In times in which individualism and nationalism seems to flourish Afro_Vibes Festival 2020 central theme is “Entanglements”. For three days artists from all over the world come together in De Balie to exchange work and ideas, although they can’t physically be together. A three-day programme with presentations, talk shows and live streaming of performances (live and digital).
How sustainable is the art sector during the pandemic? How can artists continue to share their stories, in times when people feel the need to hear other people’s stories. In what ways will Covid-19 change the art sector on the long term?
We start the evening with a short presentation of Le syndrome de l’exilé, a performance by choreographer Babacar Cissé in which he examines the human experience of exile.
Hassan Mahamdallie, a playwright, writer and specialist in diversity and the arts, will give a keynote lecture in which he will share his ideas for a the future of the arts. Afterwards we will enter into conversation with Jennifer Tosch, Founder of the Black Heritage Tours, Babacar Cissé, and Ricardo Peach, director of an annual arts festival in South-Africa.
Moderator: Maarten van Hinte
After the official programme it’s possible to stay for the screening of two films by artist Jelili Attiku. Ẹlàbọ́rù a performance based film and references to the present Covid-19 pandemic. And Alaagba, a video documentation of a performance of Jelili Atiku in Brazil.
(Re-)watch the programme here
Afro_Vibes: Sustainable art in a post covid-19 world
Afro_Vibes 2020 | Entanglements / Inseparably Connected
While there are undeniably differences in language, culture, ways of living and communicating between the cultures of our world, there is a entanglement that encompasses all of us and which we are all part of. Even in moments of physical isolation for our safety, there is a sense of community. Because we know that an individual action by one of us can affect hundreds of us. We all go through this together and we can only solve it together. It is this interwovenness and associate intimacy that Afro_Vibes puts at the forefront this year.
More Afro_Vibes 2020
Afro_Vibes: Entanglements & Intersection
In times in which individualism and nationalism seems to flourish Afro_Vibes Festival 2020 central theme is “Entanglements”. For three days artists from all over the world come together in De Balie to exchange work and ideas, although they can’t physically be together. A three-day programme with presentations, talk shows and live streaming of performances (live
Afro_Vibes: Women & LGBTQI+ leadership
Photo: © Annelies Verhelst In times in which individualism and nationalism seems to flourish Afro_Vibes Festival 2020 central theme is “Entanglements”. For three days artists from all over the world come together in De Balie to exchange work and ideas, although they can’t physically be together. A three-day programme with presentations, talk shows and live
Afro_Vibes 2020
1 – 10 October | Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht