The world-famous French philosopher Étienne Balibar states that the European Union does not work in its current form. The monetary and migration crisis are hard evidence for this.
With European elections approaching, where xenophobic parties are trying to form a transnational front for the first time and Brexit is creating a stalemate, it is becoming increasingly clear that the European project is in a political and moral deadlock.
On the occasion of the publication of the book For another Europe, Étienne Balibar shares his ideas about a Europe build on new foundations.
A road back is an illusion and so we are faced with the choice: whether Europe perseveres in its technocratic government or to invent a new type of federal Europe: a democratic and inclusive Europe of citizens.
Etienne Balibar will be joined by Judith Sargentini (member of European Parliament Groenlinks) and Laurens Jan Brinkhorst (former EU Ambassador to Japan, MEP for D66 and professor International Law at the University of Leiden)
About Etienne Balibar
Etienne Balibar is emeritus professor of philosophy at the Université de Paris-Ouest, and also affiliated with Columbia University in New York and Kingston College in London. He published on the foundations of political philosophy, including Spinoza et la politique (1985), the world-famous work Race, Nation, Classe (1988, and Immanuel Wallerstein) and La proposition de l’égaliberté (2010).