The Xenophiles’ monthly meet-up

Every second thursday of the month

Organised by
The Xenofiles

The Xenophiles’ Second Thursday is a monthly meet-up in the bar of De Balie with the Xenophiles and anyone seeking pleasant company and moving conversations on identity, culture and belonging in this strange and unusual world.

Raised on different continents, the Xenophiles believe in the power of all that is peculiar, foreign, strange and original. Why fight xenophobia, when you can celebrate xenophilia? As writers, we thrive on the complexity of human relationships; as Xenophiles we find joy in the risks and rewards of engaging with each other on challenging topics. We are Vamba Sherif, the Liberian-Kuwaiti scholar from Groningen; Julie Phillips, the American who speaks Dutch with a Frisian accent; Amal Chatterjee, the Indian Sri-Lankan who arrived from Glasgow; and Richard de Nooy, the Dutchman who still swears like a South African on his bike.

A space to share stories, explore ideas and keep up the xenophile mindset in these xenophobic times. Open to everyone – people who have been to the shows, others, all are welcome to join, we’ll pay for our own drinks.

The Xenophiles’ monthly meet-up is every second thursday of the month at 17.00 in De Balie café.

Past programmes of The Xenophiles

vr 12 jul / 20:00
Kunst en Literatuur Democratie en rechtsstaat

The Xenophiles on Identity

Who the hell are you?

Join us – writers and an audience from around the world – as we look in the mirror and explore the tangled web that makes us who we are.

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vr 12 apr / 20:00
Kunst en Literatuur

The Xenophiles Talk Language

Four migrant writers celebrate the power of all that is peculiar, foreign, strange, and original with provocative readings and a lively conversation with the audience.

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vr 1 mrt / 20:00
Democratie en rechtsstaat

The Xenophiles wonder: Are You Happy Now?

‘Gelukszoeker’ is a bad name for immigrants who want a better life. Yet, the well-travelled, colonising Dutch have a long history of going abroad in pursuit of happiness and more.

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