Aankondiging expositie ‘Artists Against the Kremlin’
A major anti-war and dissident art exhibition
De grootschalige Russische invasie van Oekraïne in februari 2022 werd fel bekritiseerd door de Russischtaligee kunstgemeenschap. Om de diversiteit en kracht van antioorlogskunst te vieren, organiseren The Moscow Times, All Rights Reversed gallery en De Balie ‘Artists Against the Kremlin’.
In deze tentoonstelling is het werk te zien van hedendaagse Russischtalige kunstenaars zoals Linor Goralik, Philippenzo, Nadya Tolokonnikova(Pussy Riot), Andrei Bilzho, Victor Melamed, Mikhail Ray, Danila Tkachenko, olo.olooloolo, Slava Ptrk, Kungfuct, Artem Loskutov, Serafima Bresler, Vladlena Sandu, Pomidor, The Party of the Dead, Igor Ost, artisterror, BFMTH, K. Hell, Alexey Kovalchuk, Kuril Chto, AXYXY en anderen. De tentoonstelling opent op 3 augustus in De Balie.
‘Kunstenaars tegen het Kremlin’ toont het werk van kunstenaars die universele menselijke waarden voorstaan en een anti-oorlogsstandpunt hebben ingenomen. De tentoonstelling belicht onderwerpen zoals maatschappelijke polarisatie en het leven in een autoritair regime afgezet tegen het leven in ballingschap. Ook wordt de vraag gesteld hoe kunst als politiek wapen tegen het Kremlin gebruikt kan worden. De tentoonstelling zal het podium bieden aan verschillende kunstvormen. Er zullen onder meer schilder- en grafische kunstwerken, multimedia-installaties en beeldhouwwerken te zien zijn.
‘Kunstenaars tegen het Kremlin’ verenigt kunstenaars uit Rusland, Belarus en Oekraïne. Velen van hen werden gedwongen hun thuisland te verlaten en leven nu in ballingschap, verspreid over 25 landen. In aanloop naar de tentoonstelling is een crowdfunding-campagne gestart. Hiermee willen we het mogelijk maken om de kunstwerken naar Amsterdam te halen en te exposeren op het podium dat ze verdienen.
The Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was met with fierce resistance from the Russian-speaking art community. To showcase the diversity and strength of anti-war and dissident art, The Moscow Times, All Rights Reversed gallery and De Balie will present “Artists Against the Kremlin”, a large-scale exhibition of Russian-speaking contemporary artists such as Linor Goralik, Philippenzo, Nadya Tolokonnikova(Pussy Riot), Andrei Bilzho, Victor Melamed, Mikhail Ray, Danila Tkachenko, olo.olooloolo, Slava Ptrk, Kungfuct, Artem Loskutov, Serafima Bresler, Vladlena Sandu, Pomidor, The Party of the Dead, Igor Ost, artisterror, BFMTH, K. Hell, Alexey Kovalchuk, Kuril Chto, AXYXY and others. The exhibition will open on August 3 at De Balie.
Artists against the Kremlin
“Artists Against the Kremlin” is a major exhibition featuring Russian-speaking contemporary artists who share universal human values and a clear anti-war stance. The exhibition addresses social polarization, the experiences of living in exile versus under authoritarian regimes, and explore how art can be used as a political weapon against the Kremlin.
“Artists Against the Kremlin” will unite creators not only from Russia, but from Belarus and Ukraine. Many of them were forced to leave their mother countries, live in exile and are now based in 25 different countries. The exhibition will encompass various artistic mediums including paintings, graphics, mixed media, multimedia, installations, and sculptures.
Leading up to the exhibition, a crowdfunding campaign is launched, asking for your support to bring works from these countries to Amsterdam and exhibit them at the level they deserve. Find out more here.
About All Rights Reversed & The Moscow Times
All Rights Reversed is a Berlin-based gallery, production team, and community of artists united by human values and a clear anti-war stance. Its interests revolve around themes such as anti-war narratives, Russian imperialism, decolonialism, human rights, inequality, anti-propaganda, LGBTQ+ rights, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All Rights Reversed gathered the largest collection of protest art to date, featuring over 150 original artworks.
Since September 2023, the gallery has organized seven exhibitions of anti-war and protest art across Europe, attracting more than 5,000 guests. One of these exhibitions took place at ‘het Vrije Paleis’ in February 2024. The exhibition featured 95 works by 65 artists and was visited by around 1,000 guests over four days.
The Moscow Times is the oldest independent Russian media outlet, informing the world about what happens in and around Russia since 1992. The Moscow Times is not just a media outlet in English and Russian, but also a platform for exchanging opinions and acting as a bridge between the East and the West. Since 2022, The Moscow Times has been based in Amsterdam.
Ook in De Balie
An imaginary trial against the war crimes of Putin
United Ukrainian Theatre group performs for the first time in The Netherlands “The Hague”: an imaginary trial against the war crimes of Putin
Hoe Russische IS-bruiden van het toneel verdwenen
Juni is de maand van solidariteit met Russische politieke gevangenen. Daarom leest De Balie het bekroonde en controversiële toneelstuk ‘Finist de prachtvalk’ waarna we in gesprek gaan.