Europe Talkshow: Culture! Solidarity! Future?

Europe Day ’22
Yoeri Albrecht
Programme editor
Taal / Language
This talk show will address the tectonic rift that first the COVID-19 pandemic, and now the war in Europe has caused in the cultural sector. How can artists, creatives, activists, and politicians show unity and solidarity with Ukraine while combating divisive forces and narratives that work against our common future?

Emergency measures are needed on the ground and in the digital sphere. Humanitarian aid and legal action. Culture has its role to play in addressing the urgencies of today and the traumas of tomorrow. It is about the power of culture to unite and mobilise, to soothe pain and to help rebuild relations and trust. Is Europe ready to shape and unfold a European Cultural Deal for Europe, and for Ukraine in particular? 

20:00 – 20:15 Europe speech by HRH Princess Laurentien: What is the role of culture in building a resilient, sustainable and solidary Europe? 

Directly followed by a talk show with:

Vasyl Cherepanyn (director, Visual Cultural Research Centre, Kyiv, Princess Margriet for Culture Award laureate 2015, Ukraine), Sophia Bulgakova (artist, Ukraine, The Netherlands) Giuliano da Empoli (author and political scientist, Italy/Switzerland), Olivier Guez (journalist and writer, France), Maria Hlavajova [director BAK, Netherlands), Gijs de Vries (senior visiting fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science), Dewi van de Weerd (Ambassador for International Cultural Cooperation) and Luis Vassy (French Ambassador to the Netherlands).

Moderated by: Yoeri Albrecht (director, De Balie).


HRH Princess Laurentien
Vasyl CherepanynDirector, Visual Cultural Research Centre Kyiv
Sophia BulgakovaArtist, Ukraine, The Netherlands
Giuliano da EmpoliAuthor/political scientist, Italy/Swiss
Olivier GuezJournalist, essayist and writer, France
Maria HlavajovaArtistic director of BAK, basis voor actuele kunst in Utrecht, the Netherlands
Gijs de VriesSenior Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics
Dewi van de WeerdAmbassador for International Cultural Cooperation
Luis VassyFrench Ambassador to the Netherlands

European Cultural Foundation

The European Cultural Foundation promotes a European sentiment through developing and supporting cultural initiatives that let us share, experience and imagine Europe.