I Hate Talking #2: with Agneta Fischer and Julian Hetzel

De Balie X Studio Julian Hetzel

Merlijn Geurts
Merlijn Geurts
In cooperaton with
Studio Julian Hetzel

In a time when gut feelings often overpower facts, we bring together different perspectives to explore the power and pitfalls of emotional storytelling in politics. How do fear, hope, and hate become tools of influence?

How do emotions drive our political narratives and shape our collective worldview? Artist Julian Hetzel engages in conversation with, amongst others, Agneta Fischer, professor on emotions and affective processes at the University of Amsterdam. Fischer studied the role of emotions in populism and conspiracy theories.

This programme is the second event in a series of encounters, dialogues and artistic interventions by Studio Julian Hetzel and de Balie Amsterdam. The events deal with the relation between politics and emotions like love, hate, anger and fear. The events are part of the research for Three Times Left is Right, Studio Julian Hetzel’s new performance that will premiere on 17 May at Wiener Festwochen (AT). Dutch premiere on 29 May at SPRING Performing Arts Festival Utrecht. The previous edition was with polarization expert Bart Brandsma.


Agneta FischerProfessor on Emotions and Affective Processes
Julian HetzelArtist

do 12 dec / 19:30
Democratie en rechtsstaat

I hate talking #1: with Julian Hetzel and Bart Brandsma

About polarization, emotions and politics

How do we talk and coexist with people who hold entirely different worldviews? As the far right gains more ground, artist Julian Hetzel and philosopher Bart Brandsma open a conversation about polarization, emotions, and politics.

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di 4 feb / 20:00
Democratie en rechtsstaat

De stem van de toekomst

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Bonnie Honig in conversation with Arnon Grunberg

On democracy in disrepair 

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