Steve Tsang on The Political Thought of Xi Jinping

programme editor
In cooperation with
‘Xi Jinping wants to change China and with it the world. We ignore him at our own peril,’ according to historian Steve Tsang. Together with Steve Tsang, we discuss the origins and shortcomings of Xi Jinpings political beliefs. What does the Chinese leader believe? What is truly meant by the Chinese Dream?

Xi Jinping will be shaping China and influencing the world for the coming decades. This evening we will discuss his political ideology and the implication of his leadership. We will address how Xi’s thought is transforming China and where China might be headed in the coming years.

Steve Tsang
Steve Tsang is a political scientist and historian. He is director of the SOAS China Institute at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies, a frequent commentator on the BBC, Sky News and Channel 4. His most recent book is titled ‘The Political thought of Xi Jinping’ (with Olivia Cheung). Tsang is an expert on the politics, international relations, security and modern history of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong and wrote several books on these topics.

Laura van Megen is China correspondent for NOS, the largest news organization of the Netherlands. In 2019 Van Megen left for China, where she started working as a Media and Politics policy officer at the Dutch embassy. She has worked as a press officer at the United Nations in New York. She is currently a research assistant at Stanford University in the US, where she is working on a book on competition between the US, China and Russia in the 21st century.


Steve TsangPolitical scientist
Laura van MegenNOS China correspondent

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