Studio Julian Hetzel: Land of Plenty

Forum on European Culture

Land of Plenty raises questions about social participation by asking them. A series of interviews as an artistic intervention that scratches where it hurts.

Since Europe isn’t built on values, but on economic interests, let’s talk money. Europeans are currently experiencing a crisis of imagination. ‘It has become easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism’– Frederic Jameson.

In an attempt to shift perspective, Studio Julian Hetzel invites a group of ‘alternative’ experts to engage in a series of dialogues that open up new pathways to escape the status quo.

The Land of Plenty is a utopia where everyone’s needs are fulfilled. To enter, one has to eat through a thick layer of rice pudding. Who’s given a spoon? Where does hope lie when the land of plenty isn’t designed for you to enter?

Over four days of interviews between experts and invited guests, speakers of the forum, audience members and potentially also with you, a choir is being formed. The multitude of voices creates a temporary snapshot of the socio-economic aspects of coexisting in the land of plenty.

Julian Hetzel

Julian Hetzel works as performance maker, visual artist and musician. He creates performative experiences for theatres and galleries that have a political dimension and a documentary approach. His works are produced and presented internationally. 

Time slots:

16.00 – 17.00: Interviews

18.30 – 20.10: Interviews

20.10 – 20.30: Evaluation interviews

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