The Kremlin’s Art of Oppressing Art

Part of Artists Against the Kremlin

ARtists against the Kremlin
De Balie In cooperation with
The Moscow Times & All Rights Reversed

This programme is part of Artists Against the Kremlin, a showcase of anti-war, anti-authoritarianism art presented by The Moscow Times, All Rights Reversed gallery and De Balie in Amsterdam from Augustus 3 to September 3.

Anti-war and protest art in Russia faces severe persecution. Dissident artists are imprisoned or driven out of the country. Despite brutal repression, artists find the courage to raise their voices, even at great personal risk. How does Russia’s prison system influence dissident culture, both within and outside the country? How do anti-war artists cope with the dangers of expressing their opinions? How resilient are the imprisoned anti-war voices? Join a roundtable discussion with artists, curators, and journalists. With a special interview with Nadezhda Skochilenko, mother of the imprisoned artist Sasha Skochilenko.

Moderator: Alexander Gubsky, publisher The Moscow Times

About the speakers

Philippenzo is a famous Russian dissident artist, known for his outspoken anti-war murals. Because of his expressed opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he has been persecuted several times and fled the country. His work is part of the anti-war exhibition Artists Against the Kremlin.

Nadezhda Skochilenko is the mother of Sasha Skochilenko, an imprisoned artist and activist detained since April 11, 2022, for spreading “false information” about the Russian army. In response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Sasha Skochilenko protested by replacing price tags in a St. Petersburg supermarket with anti-war messages.

Olga Romanova is a journalist and the director of Russia behind Bars, a prisoners’ rights organization.

Nadya Raplya is a dissident visual artist from Russia, the author of the artwork ‘It’s Too Fucking Late to Draw’, which serves as a universal manifesto for Russian artists in exile, reflecting their sense of urgency, frustration, and determination. Nadya was among the founders of the AXYXY community, which unites hundreds of dissident art creators, many of whom are now oppressed by the Russian government.

Paul Alexander is a Dutch freelance journalist specializing in Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe. He has written several articles for the Groene Amsterdammer about the imprisoned artist Pavel Krisevistj, whose work will be showcased in the anti-war exhibition Artists Against the Kremlin.


PhilippenzoDissident artist
Nadezhda SkochilenkoMother of the imprisoned artist and activist Sasha Skochilenko
Olga RomanovaJournalist, director of Russia behind bars
Nadya RaplyaDissident visual artist
Paul AlexanderJournalist, specialized in Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe

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