Afrovibes 2023: The oceanic Marigold Beads
9 oktober – 29 oktober 2023
Marigold Beadwork Co-operative & Joni Brenner
The Oceanic Marigold Beads from the Marigold Beadwork Co-operative from Zimbabwe bring to live the vast range of colours of the ocean, not just blue and green, but also the shades of sand, surf, kelp, the open sea, and the red, purple, and black of the deepest ocean. The sensual shimmer of the beads that puts us in touch with the history of African beadwork and with the ocean, with the histories of slavery and violence as well as the capacity of water to cleanse and heal. An artwork that is born out of, and leaves, liquid traces.
Design: Marigold Beadwork Co-operative
Curator: Joni Brenner
Research: Isabel Hofmeyr, Oceanic Humanities for the Global South
This programme is part of the Afrovibes festival in De Balie
Afrovibes Festival 2023
Delve into the connections between Africa and its diaspora, through arts & culture with photographer Farren van Wyk and art historian Christl Wolf

What is the relationship between art and spirituality? And what in the influence of African traditions for Black artists working in Europe?

De voorstelling van de Guinees-Franse regisseur en acteur Hakim Bah vangt de wereldwijde woede over alledaags racisme dat Black Lives Matter heeft blootgelegd.