Met Pina bouwt de Zuid-Afrikaanse danser Kwanele Finch Thusi aan een nieuwe mythologie van Zwarte en queer lichamen en identiteiten. Hiermee opent hij of zij nieuwe kaders om de beeldvorming van een samenleving die mannelijkheid vooral ziet als sterk, krachtig en masculien terug te dringen, door de kwetsbaarheid en zachtaardigheid van het mannelijk lichaam te bevestigen en te laten zien. Voor Kwanele Thusi is zijn eigen zwarte queer-identiteit het uitgangspunt voor al zijn werk.
Voor de voorstelling (18:30) gaan we tijdens de Afrovibes Talk in gesprek met o.a. theatermaker en filmregisseur Igor Vrebac, de Zuid-Afrikaanse danser en choreograaf Kwanele Finch Thusi over de thematiek van de voorstelling.
This programme is part of The Afrovibes festival. Would like to attend Afrovibes Talk: This is my body as well or dance on the beats of dj Allstar Fresh? Buy your Combi-Ticket here.
18:30 Afrovibes Talk: This is my body
20.30 Afrovibes performance: Pina (Duet)
Vanaf 21.30 draait Dj Allstar Fresh in de foyer.
The Vulnerability of the Black Male Body. With Pina, Kwanele Finch Thusi is building a new mythology of Black and queer bodies and identities. Pina is based on the stories of old and young Black men and the power of expression, movement and dance in telling their stories. In Pina, Kwanele Thusi dissects the perception in society about a Black male identity and the Black body.
For example, words and the movements of the body suggest that a Black male body must be strong and physical. Kwanele Thusi decolonises this image of the Black male body and shows in his solo and duet the vulnerability and softness of the Black male body and a Black identity. For Thusi, his own black queer identity is the starting point for all his work. His PINA is a CRY, A SCREAM, a queer response to the canonized historical image of the Black man.
Before the performance (6:30 p.m.), the Afrovibes Talk will feature a conversation with theater producer and film director Igor Vrebac, South African dancer and choreographer Kwanele Finch Thusi, among others, on the theme of the performance.
This programme is part of The Afrovibes festival. Would like to attent Afrovibes Talk: This is my body as well? Buy your Combi-Ticket here.
18:30 Afrovibes Talk: This is my body
20.30 Afrovibes performance: Pina (Duet)

Afrovibes 2022 in De Balie
Afrovibes 2022 in De Balie. Een tragedie over migratie en ballingschap van de Guinese toneelschrijver Hakim Bah.

Afrovibes 2022 in De Balie. Een solo dansvoorstelling van de Franse danser en choreograaf Babacar Cissé.

How do we deal with our (Europe / Afrika) shared past? A past that has produced everything from the slave trade to colonization to migration.