This programme is part of Artists Against the Kremlin, a showcase of anti-war, anti-authoritarianism art presented by The Moscow Times, All Rights Reversed gallery and De Balie in Amsterdam from August 3 to September 3.
Fascism in modern Russia is a web series produced by the exiled Russian opposition tv-channel TV Rain. During this programme we screen the first episode which delves into the trajectory of Russian power over the past decades, exploring how Putin and his inner circle initiated a full-scale war in Ukraine. The central question it raises is whether direct parallels can be drawn between Hitler’s fascism and Putin’s regime.
Following the screening, there will be a discussion focused on Russian propaganda and resistance to it. The panel will include the editor-in-chief of TV Rain (Dozhd) Tikhon Dzyadko and the director of the TV Rain News Service, Ekaterina Kotrikadze.
More at De Balie
A documentary by journalist Andrey Loshak, filmed on the eve of the latest presidential “election,” follows young supporters of Navalny.

Hoe zijn we op dit punt beland?
Naar aanleiding van het boek Opstand van Marijn Kruk bespreken we de opkomst van rechtspopulisme in Europa.