The renowned Austrian author, Robert Menasse, explores the fascinating narrative of Europe in his second great EU novel — the first was The Capital. During this evening, Menasse will engage in conversation with Thomas Huttinga, and Iwona Gusc, about: who will stand up for the interests of the EU? Menasse is a great supporter of Europe but is also disillusioned by the institutions of the European Union. He writes extensively about this in his new book The Enlargement.
In his novel The Enlargement, Robert Menasse reunites two friends who once stood against Polish communism. Now, they find themselves at the heart of European politics. Through this riveting narrative, Menasse addresses a critical question facing Europe today: how can individuals from diverse political backgrounds and cultural histories unite under a common banner?
Thomas Huttinga is author of To the Europeans of today and tomorrow (Aan de Europeanen van vandaag en morgen) and chairman of the Stefan Zweig Society of the Netherlands. Iwona Gusc is a Polish scholar specialised in transnational history and cultural encounters, particularly between Poland and the Netherlands.

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