The way we feed ourselves is suffocating the living planet. In his latest book, Regenesis, George Monbiot points to farming as the single biggest threat to the natural environment and its capacity to restore itself. Changing our food system is both essential and possible, but which solutions lead to a system that feeds the world without devouring the planet? What changes does Monbiot expect from the Dutch?
In Regenesis, Monbiot explores possibilities for worldwide access to healthy and affordable food by minimizing the impact of food production on the living planet. Our focus, he writes, should be on solutions towards more food with less farming. This requires a transformation of our entire relationship to the living world.
Land use is the issue that makes the greatest difference to whether terrestrial ecosystems and Earth systems survive or perish.
Monbiot, Regenesis
To say that the food system needs changing is not particularly controversial. The debate on how to change it however is increasingly polarized. For a long time, discussions on the future of food have been characterized by a stalemate between ecomodernists and nature-inclusive enthusiasts.
Can Monbiot help us break through the deadlock and steer away from the familiar trenches of the debate?
Gedeelde grond
De Balie maakt met steun van Rabobank verschillende programmareeksen over de Nederlandse ruimtelijke transitie. Onder de noemer Gedeelde grond maken we programma’s en organiseren we kringgesprekken met betrokkenen uit de landbouwsector, boeren, natuurbeschermers, wetenschappers en politici. Zo stimuleren we de uitwisseling van perspectieven en een constructief gesprek over de toekomst van ons land en onze bodem. Meer over Gedeelde grond, onze samenwerking en alle programma’s vind je hier: Gedeelde grond.
In The Future of Food gaan ’tovenaar’ Hidde Boersma en ‘profeet’ Joris Lohman het gevecht aan. Wie heeft het er gelijk als het gaat om de verduurzaming van ons voedselsysteem?