De Balie Kijkt: If Yes Okay + Concert Dick Verdult

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A quirky black comedy that exposes the shameless charms of the ultra-rich

Programme editor
The Spijkerberg family is absurdly rich, but also richly absurd. Their only child, the carelessly cruel Amy, puts on a Kabuki-like theatre to comfort herself and poignantly portray her privileged existence. This motley enterprise threatens to cannibalize the loveless household.

If Yes, Okay resorts to a light-hearted and musical approach, playfully denouncing crucial issues of the society. The result is an absurd and experimental feature film, abundant with bold satire in an exuberant colour palette.

After the film, the audience will have the opportunity to enjoy a live concert, with more songs and melodies played by Dick el Demasiado himself.

About Dick Verdult

Visual artist, musician, writer and filmmaker Dick Verdult (Eindhoven, 1954) is a cult character in Latin America, Japan, and in some parts of Russia and Europe. As the initiator of a completely new take on folkloric cumbia music, he is known as Dick El Demasiado (El Demasiado = the excessive), which in his case is a well-fitting portmanteau.
In his first feature fiction effort, he made sure to live up to his name, with the end result being described as Acid Realism or Bitter Baroque.

His music is also featured prominently in If Yes, Okay, employing elements of cumbia, punk, electronic music and other styles to weave a surprising and energetic soundscape with humorous texts.


Dick VerdultAKA Dick El Demasiado

Soon in De Balie

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