Horrified with the depredation and destruction of our unique ecosystems, the renowned German cellist Tanja Tetzlaff wants to ask Nature for forgiveness with this film project. She travelled with her instrument to places in Europe where climate change has already become reality and visibly dealt severe wounds. We will watch the performances in Suites for a Suffering World and have a conversation with Tanja Tetzlaff.
Surrounded by sometimes outlandish scenery, Tanja Tetzlaff performs Johann Sebastian Bach’s Cello Suites Nos. 4 to 6, contrasting them with works specially composed for her by Thorsten Encke. She levels accusations, stokes resistance and touches us with her virtuoso playing. The beauty of the music stands in sharp contrast to the often-dramatic images of damaged Nature, combatting the finality of destruction.
Suites for a Suffering World is a moving musical and visual plea for greater care and humility toward the beauty of our planet – at once ravishing and disturbing.
After the screening of the film, we will engage in conversation about the complicity of regular citizens as bystanders in the ongoing environmental degradation and the role art and artists can play in fighting for a better future for our planet.
Altijd als eerste op de hoogte van onze programmering
Also in De Balie
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Behind the Libretto i.s.m. De Nationale Opera
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