Humankind is in urgent need of new, fresh ideas in order to deal with contemporary crises and survive in the 21st century. According to Mitch Altman, a legend among hackers in the United States, these ideas can be found in the philosophy of the hacker community.
Altman is co-founder of the hackerspace Noisebridge in San Francisco, a physical location open to everyone. This space enables people who are driven by enthusiasm, creativity and curiosity to experiment with technology and learn from each other. Experiencing the idea of community is fundamental and is illustrated by the one and only rule of the anarchistic Noisebridge: ‘be excellent to each other’.
Nowadays, Altman shares his knowledge and is involved in creating new hackerspaces worldwide. His personal experience, as well as witnessing how hackerspaces have positively influenced the lives of others, shapes his perception of technology and lead him to view technology and the internet as promising and potentially life-changing. This evening, we discuss ideas for a new world, the importance of community and creativity, a better internet and how technology can help humankind.
About Mitch Altman
Mitch Altman is a hacker and inventor, known for inventing TV-B-Gone, a keychain that turns off TVs in public places. He co-founded a successful Silicon Valley startup and did pioneering work in Virtual Reality. He is an author and teacher, and goes around the world giving talks and workshops. He is a co-founder of the hackerspace Noisebridge in San Francisco, a physical place open to everyone. The intention of the hackerspace was to create a space for people to meet and work on shared technological projects, driven by enthusiasm, creativity and curiosity to be able to experiment and learn from each other. The feeling of community is fundamental and is illustrated by the one and only rule of the anarchistic Noisebridge: ‘be excellent to each other’.
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